Wednesday, July 25, 2007

24 hours sans bebe =(

Ummm, well, its been over 24 hours now. Marcel apparently crashed out really early last night, so hopefully that doesnt mean he woke early too! We will get the scoop when we pick him up tonight...but I have to say, even if he is fine I dont know what the heck I was thinking.

Can you say milk? I am so uncomfortable - actually in a alot of pain today...this was not a good idea...but I did get a full 7 hours of sleep - (not including getting up to put the cat out) before the pian got too bad. ...I guess last week the thought of sleeping soundly, alone, in my own bed, totally clouded my vision. Lets just say we wont be doing this again until Marcel is night weaned...I think I am going to the Bay at lunch to buy a pump (at the 11th hour I know...but I dont know what else to do...)

I just wish I could talk to them out there and ask how it is going...I'm glad its only a few more hours, I'm missing my baby too much!

1 comment:

Erika Hastings said...

Hot shower or bath and squeezing. That always worked well for me. Of course, in the middle of the night sometimes I'd just have to get up and squeeze the milk into the sink and then go back to bed.