That pic was take a few weeks ago. I have yet to harvest our carrots, but I fear they may be about that big still. I've learned my lesson - that carrots need to be planted from seed indoor first, not enough time on one summer here...well, thats how we learn right?
Ive been involved with the Parent Link recently. There is one in the leisure center near by. I feel fortunate to have it so close. They have a free craft program for kids monday morning that we have been attending, and today we did a tour of the local Sikh temple. It was lovely to spend time with the mothers and kids there and they served a delicious lunch. It was inspiring to be in a spiritually significant space for so many people. It was a warm and welcoming place.
Marcel had a hard time sitting down though. A huge room with no furniture and soft carpet inspired running, and rolling, and break-dance like moves. He was so happy, but I am sure a little disruptive! He loved the yogurt dish that came with lunch.
Anyways, both boys are asleep right now, and I think I might take a little snooze too.
Oh there is PLENTY of time to grow carrots!! You just gotta thin them when they get that size. Either pull them out and use them in a soup or transplant them to a new location, water in well and now you have 2 crops of gigantic carrots. Thin them to about 1" or more apart, if they get too big they'll get woody for the Nantes varieties.
We thinned ours and some are over 1 inch thick! (planted May 3, harvested in September, in Calgary).
Ooooh. I love that photo of those little carrots!
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