Tuesday, July 17, 2007

july 17 update

What a nice weekend. Its been so hot here, and we are loving it...although Jenny still thinks its too cold...Saturday we went to Mark's mom's and swam in their pool all day. It was lovely except for a horrible incident that turned out OK in the end (ask me about it and I'll email you...I dont want the world to know about my parenting blunders...)

Sunday we ate bad food. I had a chilly dog. Mark couldn't believe I ordered it. I was thinking - OK, looks like the healthiest thing there - I mean chilly - has beans, carrots, tomatoe...well, it nearly killed me.

Last night michelle and cam came over again. We are discussing our dacha dream alot. its so nice to have friends with a similar vision, maybe our comnined efforts can really do something!

hmmm, I have to figure out a way to get more pictures on here...sorry mom...

I did some rough and terrible sketches of the dacha thing - showing water use etc, so I'll post them, just to embarras myself.

Anyways, I gotta go right now...I hope all you lovelies are making stuff and the world around you beautifull! A friend of mine always says "Make a good day!" instead of have a good day...so I'm wishing the same to you all!


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