Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July 24 07

So, this is a big day. Marcel has gone camping with his aunt, uncle and cousins...over night!I know this is crazy, but they wanted to take him...hes still nursing at night, and they know that, but we are all hoping he'll just be so tuckered out from all the playing that he'll be ready to sleep. Hes got milk and water and tonnes of food... and family that loves him...but man, Im still scared for him! To make things easier on me, Mark and I have a night out planned, a good dinner, and a nice romantic evening...
I just hope marcel isnt totally freaked out!

He'll be fine...he'll be fine... he'll be fine...

-motherhood eh?


Mark Hebert said...

Dinner? ;)

Anonymous said...

you are so courageous! It is so hard leaving the little ones, mine is not breast feeding anymore at night, but I think it would still be hard leaving him!

Erika Hastings said...

I just have to ditto what Juliet said because even though it's only 24 hours, that can feel like an eternity!