OK so I am having hard time focusing on exams. I have decided to write them all before december - even if I fail a couple.
My reward for completing these exams will be to learn to crochet.
OK, I dont need another hobby, but how can I resist when there are people like this making beautiful things like this
I was totally into embroidery - for like a week...and yes I love it and I made me little boxes, that are loverly. But I am not like soulemamma who I am totally jeolous of, and may move to Portland just so I can meet her and may learn something from her...
She can sew...she has a studio...a sewing machine, and well, knowledge and skill. (in these areas, I know nothing...) Oh well. I could learn, but I want also to write comics, be an architect, and try to feed my kid healthy home cooked meals, with a clean house, a well balance relationship with my hubby and of course fix the problems of the world with Ruhi, Qi gong, yoga and maybe a little homeopathy for good measure...Oh did I mention I am going to build a Dacha village for you all?
So, about that...embroidery is fun. But I can only embroider things that are made, and I just dont want to learn to sew...to many machines and gadgets required. But crochet....you can make things, completed whole things you can use... (and they are smaller than when you knit.) - sweaters, one stitch at a time are simply huge! In crochet you only need one hook and some yarn. You can crochet while watching TV, at a picnic, in bed, on the beach (yeah right - theres no beaches here, but I can dream right?)
Anyways, I'll still try to embroider everything, and maybe I'll make some of these adorable birds..
But once I learn to crochet there may be no going back...I'll make you all mits and hats and scarves. And to keep me from going NCARB insane, Im going to start collecting patterns and pictures. If anyone out there wants to teach me to crochet - please come and move into my basement in December. I will not be putting that hook down - for a week at least!
If you want to buy the things in the pics above - you can off Etsy. (amazing place!) I need to have a girl to put this cute hat and scarf on!
these little guys are also for sale - and a pattern to make them!
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