well, there goes any thought of will power. I was trying soooo hard to hold off till december - but I couldnt stand it! My hands started twitching and I woke up friday morning, and jut magically found myself at Micheals - looking at yarn! AAH!. so I started a little early. I taught myself the chain stitch, the single and double chain stitch and then I chain stitched myself into exhaustion all weekend. I made a neck cozy for the hubby, a little purse for the sister, and I made a cozy for the medicine which I didnt photograph yet. Also missing from the set is a little card wallet I havnt sewn buttons on yet. Im having so much fun!...but those NCARBS...rrrg.
1 comment:
Dear Mammacomic,
I'm really enjoying my subscription to Mammacomic. Your title on this post had me laughing at work! (I showed my mom some of your crochet work & she was really impressed.)
27 years old
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