Hi everyone.
So, in regards to the chicken saga, I have drafted a letter to be sent to Calgary Aldermen explaining our desire to allow hens in Calgary. I've tried to make the concept palatable to a conservative Calgarian. Hopefully I succeeded. I also contacted two organizations:
Clean calgary
sustainable Calgary
Neither one has yet to respond...hmmm, maybe I should call them back. Please let me know your opinions in regards to this letter:
(please note, I have made some edits to the letter since my first posting. This is the most current version. It covers the bylaw info more clearly, and outlines some of the arguments against chickens in more detail.)
May 22, 2008
Dear Calgary Alderman;
The City of Calgary has a clear intention to promote sustainability. This means making proactive decisions to help people improve their own lives, the lives of their children, and those of future generations.
A high quality of life means being able to eat well and to provide for oneself and one’s family. Access to organic, healthy food is becoming more and more difficult as food prices rise. As an urban community, we may not see any means of addressing this issue directly, but there are some things we can do. I would like to propose one in particular, which would be of virtually no financial or other cost to the City yet could potentially benefit many of its residents.
I suggest that the city make a minor change in one of its bylaws, namely the “Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw #23M2006”, which reads:
27. No person shall keep Livestock in any area of the City except where the keeping of Livestock is allowed under The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw
(n) “Livestock” means:
(v) Animals of the avian species including chickens, turkeys,
ducks, geese, or pheasants, and
(vi) all other Animals that are kept for agricultural purposes,
but does not include cats, dogs, or other domesticated household
This bylaw is generally reasonable and of benefit to the community. My suggested change is with regard to the animals listed as livestock. I recommend adding a section to this bylaw that allows a small number of hens to be kept by families as pets. I suggest that this section contain a few points which prevent the keeping of hens to become a problem in the city.
A list of suggested points to include in the bylaw would be:
-That the number of hens be kept to a minimum number (such as 4 or 5) or relate the number of hens allowed to the size of lot.
-That coups and buildings for hens are restricted in size, are well maintained, are in conformity with the architecture of the house, are not adjacent to neighbouring fences, and are not visible from the road.
-That the slaughtering of hens in private yards is prohibited.
-That bird feed is kept in sealed plastic containers, and not accessible to wild birds or animals.
-That the bylaw allows hens and not roosters (which make noise)
-That there is accessible information to the public about care for hens, preventing disease, and the risks of keeping hens and other household animals.
As it is currently written, this bylaw prevents people from having a few hens in their yard. While it may have been the intention of Council when passing this bylaw to protect this city’s residence from the nuisance and hazards associated with keeping livestock within the city limits, with these additional points there is no reason to prevent people from keeping a few chickens for personal egg use.
With three hens in an urban backyard, a family could provide themselves with healthy, organic, grain fed, free run eggs to sustain themselves, throughout the year. These hens could eat some of the residents’ waste, provide some fertilizer for a vegetable garden, and provide education for children about their food and animals, while making little to no noise, or detriment to the urban landscape.
This is not a unique concept. There are many cities in the United States including New York, Portland, San Francisco, Houston, Chicago, Seattle, as well as Victoria BC that allow chickens.
There are four concerns which may be raised in opposition to this suggestion, namely noise, pests, nuisance and disease. I shall address each in turn.
With respect to noise, I have suggested that roosters remain prohibited under the bylaw. Hens do not make noise. Roosters make noise. Allowing hens and prohibiting roosters would not create any additional noise in residential neighbourhoods.
The risk of attracting pests is minimal. Chickens are birds which eat a vegetarian diet which, in an urban setting, would consist of store-bought grains as well as some table scraps. This would not attract more pests than would the average vegetable garden or bird-feeder, less so because the chickens and their food would be contained.
As for the concern about nuisance generally, the size of a coop can be quite small (smaller than the needs of a larger dog run) and the number of hens can be restricted by bylaw. Well kept chickens produce fewer odours than do many animals which can currently be kept as pets, and as they create no noise, the concern over creating nuisance is ungrounded.
Concern about the risk of disease is primarily with regard to avian flu. This risk is much lower where one is only dealing with a few hens than with large bird farms - where, if there is a single case of the flu, thousands of chickens have to be slaughtered. In this case, the disease can only affect a couple hens, and cannot have as great an impact. All animals, whether domestic or wild, carry with them a risk of disease. Dogs may contract rabies, cats ringworm and so on. Families who choose to keep hens contained in their yard take on that risk as do all families who choose to keep pets.
A benefit to allowing hens as pets is that families can give the animals personal attention, which is bound to be an improvement on the animal rights issues concerning hens living in cages in large scale egg factories.
As a woman from Chicago who keeps chickens says:
“Backyard hens are often a community asset. Children love to interact with chickens (watch them, feed them, etc), and older people often have fond memories of growing up with chickens. Excess eggs can be shared with neighbors, and these same neighbors may choose to bring by some of their "waste" (trimmings from kitchen greens, dandelions and weeds from the yard, etc.) rather than send them to the landfill. From my experience, this is how it works, at least. My hens are definitely an asset to the neighborhood, not a detriment!
Every one wants to have strong communities. Well-tended backyard hens help build a strong community!” (Linda, hen owner, Chicago)
One way for City Council to promote sustainability is to remove impediments which prevent individual Calgarians from practicing a more self - sustaining lifestyle. On the individual scale people need to be able to take ownership of their ability to provide for themselves and their families. Historically, we have removed food production from urban centers. Allowing people to provide some food for themselves can help reduce the negative effects of large scale food production, as growing cities make larger demands on agriculture. This can include the need for pesticides, mono-agriculture, fertilizers and mass animal farming that is not only at times cruel but detrimental to quality food production.
Overall, urban hens can be greatly rewarding, educational, healthy and beneficial to a Calgarian family, while having little to no negative impact on future generations or on neighbourhoods. Therefore, this would be a wonderful way for the city of Calgary to further its dedication to sustainability. I hope that you as an Alderman will consider promoting this concept in Council, and allowing the city’s residents to improve their quality of life and contribute to the vision of the City.
Thank you for allowing for this proposal. I look forward to hearing your support of this suggestion. In the mean time I will be contacting local like-minded organizations who may be willing to promote this concept, and starting a petition of people in support.
Yours Truly;
Angela Rout
we want chickens in toronto too.
when travelling in belgium, everyone had a chicken.
we thought, when we have a place, we want chickens too.
by-laws are crazy.
good luck getting a chicken in calgary - they don't even let you put your feet up on public planters, nor do they let you spit on the sidewalk, but bring in your huge SUV's and we'll build you more highways and big box malls!
(come to where jane jacobs lived)
(her presence is felt in so many neighbourhoods here)
Hi, mammacomic. I linked over her from ThomasK's Urban Chickens blog. I keep 3 hens in my Chicago backyard.
One other positive issue to raise is that backyard hens are often a community asset. Children love to interact with chickens (watch them, feed them, etc), and older people often have fond memories of growing up with chickens. Excess eggs can be shared with neighbors, and these same neighbors may choose to bring by some of their "waste" (trimmings from kitchen greens, dandelions and weeds from the yard, etc.) rather than send them to the landfill. From my experience, this is how it works, at least. My hens are definitely an asset to the neighborhood, not a detriment!
Every one -- conservative and liberal alike -- wants to have strong communities. Well-tended backyard hens help build a strong community!
Bravo!! I just confirmed with 311 today that chickens are not allowed. There goes my dream! I am all for promoting this - let me know what I can do.
Next Monday, May 26, there is an Urban Agriculture Meet-up down at Eau Claire Market. Sounds like they'll be discussing premaculture, local eating, community gardens, and I'm sure they'll be open to discussion of chickens. You should come along! E-mail me for more info or search it on Facebook.
Hi there, I've used your excellent letter as a template to meet the same objectives in Castlegar, BC. Your arguments are clear and simple to follow and I hope you have sucess in Calgary.
My letter is similar, but with the added twist that I'm also interested in seeing miniature goats allowed.
In the post describing the letter on my blog, I'm referencing this post and your blog as one of the inspirations for the letter. Thanks!
Hey there,
I'm just wondering if your petition is still in the works, and if you have information on how calgarians can help support this movement. Thanks!
Thank-you for taking the time to try and affect change. Raising a few hens isn't more invasive than a neighbor's dog barking or a cat digging in your flower bed and these animals can nourish you. Keep us posted on your progress!
Have you made any progress yet, or had any response from the city? Have you considered starting a petition or taking any further action toward your goal?
I too would like to see backyard chickens be allowed in Calgary. If there is a petition I would be happy to sign it. I don't know if keeping chickens is something I really want to do, but I would at least like to have the option.
Here is my vote of support for allowing chickens and other small livestock in Calgary!!
Yes! Calgary needs more happy chickens! I have just bought a house and happened upon this post while checking to see if it was legal or not. You have raised some wonderful points and I would love to know how it goes and what I can do to help.
Chicken excrement stinks. The houses in Calgary are way to close together to have coops in the city. If you are so pro having chickens, move to the country! All I have to say is ...not in my backyard and better not be in my neighbors’ backyards either.
I would *love* to have a couple of hens. I already compost my scraps, but if I could get some eggs, that would be gravy.
They would be a lot quieter than the neighbourhood's dogs!
Response from local alderman in Calgary regarding my request that the bylaws be considered for changes to allow urban chickens to be raised (3 to 5 hens, no roosters). Interesting to note, apparently petitions can be beneficial. If you know anyone willing to sign, let me know :-)
Subject: Chickens
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 10:31:48 -0600
Hi D___:
Had a response from Bylaw on your email concerning raising chickens as pets: Bylaw is not to recommending an amendment to allow chickens to be kept on residential properties - the topic of farm type animals has been discussed in relation to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw.
Bylaw feels the vast majority of Calgarians purchase a home in an area designated as residential with certain expectations and apparently those expectations do not include having neighbours raising livestock.
The consensus seems to be that although 3 to 5 chickens does not sound like much, but it creates a potential for hundreds of thousands of chickens which from a public health point of view may have potentional heath concerns.
Additionally, there are also concerns with the health
and welfare of the animals and the production of food from those
animals without any safeguards.
Bylaw feels until such time as there is a petition from the required 110,000 Calgarians asking for the change or a direction from Council to do it, it looks like there will be no change in the status concerrning chickens in the near future.
Here is a petition for Calgarians to sign:
Please tell your friends!
If you couldn't slaughter them in the backyard, where would you propose you kill them off when they no longer lay?
It would be great to be able to have chickens in Calgary. And/or ducks; they're apparently much better for gardens than chickens.
Hi there,
We want to have chickens in Calgary. Just 4 hens for eggs. Is there a chicken movement in Calgary? If not, let's start one.
s.whitehead AT inbox.com
What about us Condo owners? I want chickens too, first the city excludes us for their new blue bin program, and now we are being ignored on the chicken front! talk about sustainable living, we can't even get our rebate for toilets. *sigh* I guess I'll just have to get used to drinking cat milk.
yeah. The irony of it all is that I live in a condo too! and Bah about the recycling program I was looking forward to that for years!
I've been researching the whole urban farming concept this winter and I'm just wondering... isn't it easier to just go ahead and do it than to ask permission first? If I can successfully raise a few hens in my yard, on my property that I pay taxes for, without complaints from neighbours... In the meantime, I would love to talk to some fellow Calgary residents about this issue.
anonymous: yes it seems much easier in this case to ask forgiveness than permission. I live in calgary; contact me if you're interested in sharing information (I don't raise chickens in the city currently).
CLUCK: Calgary Liberated Urban Chicken Klub
How ridiculous that chickens are not allowed.
I grew up with my parents keeping chickens and I would love for my children to do the same.
I have not only signed the petition, I have asked everyone I know to do the same
hey,im mary contrary from the facebook CLUCK group and NW Highwood area.
My hens have been ordered to be removed after my neighbour called me in twice!
The first time they said the chickens could stay because they are pets and the officers led me to believe if i didnt eat the eggs it was ok.
That to me showed they have given other exceptions and I wouldve been fine hiding them after that...but... my neighbour once again called me in.
The second officer assured me my yard was nice and clean but his hands were tied by his job.
I wont give up now...
This is against my right to healthy food.
Chickens are great animals and if Calgary the Stampede city doesnt allow them soon its going to be embarassing!yeeehaw!
please write my ward at ward04@calgary.ca
and tell them to let me keep my chickens and allow urban chickens in calgary!
this is food for 3 kids. If they take away my eggs I might have to be supplemented by the foodbank!!!!
How is that fair?
Please write!!!
I would like to add that it is my and your cultural and ethnic right to raise chickens if you are from basically any ethnic descent on the grounds that my and your people have been rasing chickens for food and pets for at least the last 10,000 years. It is unreasonable and insulting for anyone to suggest that I am not allowed to provide healthy food for my fammily, espectially when my familly has been doing it for at least 10,000 years!
I would like to add that it is my and your cultural and ethnic right to raise chickens if you are from basically any ethnic descent on the grounds that my and your people have been rasing chickens for food and pets for at least the last 10,000 years. It is unreasonable and insulting for anyone to suggest that I am not allowed to provide healthy food for my fammily, espectially when my familly has been doing it for at least 10,000 years!
I am mayor of Westfir, Oregon, a small rural city of 300 low income and elderly residents. I am liberal progressive surrounded by conservative anti-intellectual constituents who hate me. What have I got to loose - next week's monthly council meeting I will begin my effort to reverse the chicken ban.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
April 1st,
April fools day is the courtdate that matters when it comes to calgary city chickens.
please stay tuned! and join the facebook cluck group!
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Next Monday, May 26, there is an Urban Agriculture Meet-up down at Eau Claire Market. Sounds like they'll be discussing premaculture, local eating, community gardens, and I'm sure they'll be open to discussion of chickens. You should come along! E-mail me for more info or search it on Facebook.
One other positive issue to raise is that backyard hens are often a community asset. Children love to interact with chickens (watch them, feed them, etc), and older people often have fond memories of growing up with chickens. Excess eggs can be shared with neighbors, and these same neighbors may choose to bring by some of their "waste" (trimmings from kitchen greens, dandelions and weeds from the yard, etc.) rather than send them to the landfill. From my experience, this is how it works, at least. My hens are definitely an asset to the neighborhood, not a detriment!
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